
<aside> đź’ˇ This document discusses 7 Powers, a strategic business concept.


INTRODUCTION (Location 137)

Strategy serves best not as an analytical redoubt, but rather in developing the “prepared mind” of those on the ground. (Location 144)

If your business does not have at least one of these seven Power types, then you lack a viable strategy, and you are vulnerable. (Location 157)

Strategy: the study of the fundamental determinants of potential business value (Location 186)

Strategy can be usefully separated into two topics: Statics—i.e. “Being There”: what makes Intel’s microprocessor business so durably valuable? Dynamics—i.e. “Getting There”: what developments yielded this attractive state of affairs in the first place? (Location 189)

Power: the set of conditions creating the potential for persistent differential returns (Location 211)

strategy: a route to continuing Power in significant markets (Location 219)

“value” refers to absolute fundamental shareholder value5—the ongoing enterprise value shareholders attribute to the strategically separate business of an individual firm. The best proxy for this is the net present value (NPV) of expected future free cash flow (FCF) of that activity. (Location 242)