
<aside> šŸ’” The value of a company is the present value of all future profits it will generate.


the value of your company is really just the present value of all the future profits your company will generate over its life. There is tremendous leverage in changing your trajectory of growth. (LocationĀ 164)

PART 1 Foundations (LocationĀ 205)

CHAPTER 1 Redefining the Pricing Journey (LocationĀ 207)

Every product and service sold since the beginning of time has had a price assigned to it. Setting that price is among the most crucial, most profit-sensitive decisions that companies make. Ironically, very few companies price well. (LocationĀ 209)

ā€œRaising prices is not a sustainable source of profit growth.ā€ (LocationĀ 261)

Most pricing solutions based on selectively raising prices for expanded margins tend to ignore these other critical customer relationship metrics and the risks imposed upon them when prices are increased. (LocationĀ 268)

Stars: market leaders in high-growth markets Cash Cows: market leaders in low-growth markets Question Marks: non-market-leaders in high-growth markets Dogs: non-market-leaders in low-growth markets (LocationĀ 297)

Stars are great investment candidates; Question Marks need work; Cash Cows can yield profits but are not good investments; and Dogs should be avoided at all costs. (LocationĀ 301)